One of the (many) reasons WordPress is the world’s most popular web development platform, is that “out of the box” (i.e. without having to do anything extra) it is already very search engine friendly.
However there are some simple strategies you can follow to make your WordPress based website even better optimised for search engines…. This post list X simple Search Engine Optimisation tips for optimising your website and raising it’s profile on Google and other search engines.
Know Your Keywords
Search Engines are based around the concept of keywords (or keyword phrases). In order to optimise your website… you first need to know which keywords are the ones that you should be targeting.
Do NOT JUST GUESS which keywords are important !!!
Keyword Analysis using tools like Google Trends and Google’s Keyword Planner is critical to understand which keywords are the ones you should focus on…. you should also be using Google’s Search Console to see how your are already ranking for keywords… and make sure you ask your best customers which keywords they would search for (they may not be the ones that you think)
Initially you will probably focus on High Volume search phrases… but ultimately High Converting Keywords are likely to be the most important ones for you.
Identify your most important 10-20 keyword phrases… write them down and keep this list handy when you are creating content for your website
Use Your Keywords
It should be obvious… but once you’ve identified your important keywords, you need to start using them on your website…
You’d be shocked how often keywords that a site owners think are important are not used or barely used in the content on their website.
Use a Google search like the one below to check which pages on your site are using certain keywords or keyword phrases.
“wordpress training”
Create Keyword Rich Content
When creating content for your website consult your list of keywords and create content around those keywords.
Use the keyword and related keyword phrases as much as possible – without overdoing it… Remember that the content you create should be targeted at your users and NOT at “tricking” Google.
Use keywords in :
- domain name
- URLs
- page titles
- post titles
- menu/navigation
- categories & tags
- image names
- Image alt text
- links
- in the header
- in the footer
- in sidebar widgets
Blog Regularly
Your Blog is the single best way you can add fresh, new, dynamic, topical, keyword rich content.
Many SEOs will say you should be adding new posts at least weekly… and yes… it is best to regularly add new content… but it is Much More Important that the content you add is actually useful,
We normally recommend blogging whenever you have something useful to say… or are passionate about something related to your business.
Get inspiration from :
- Whats on the News
- Client Case Studies
- Areas you would like to work in
- Industry News
- Industry Blogs
- Google Alerts
SEO Plugins
There are a few plugins that we recommend always installing for SEO
Measure and Monitor
One of the great things about having a website is that you are able to monitor and measure usage very easily. There is a huge (sometimes overwhelming) amount of data available showing how users find and access your website.
It is critical that your website be setup for Google Analytics AND Googles Search Console tool.
If you’d like to find out more how we can help you with
Optimising your website,
or learning how to more effectively use SEO to raise your online profile
please give Andy a call on 0403 023 223 or Contact Us