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That time of the year is fast approaching when we start scratching our heads trying to decide “the perfect gift” for our friends, family and colleagues for Christmas.  The question of “what to give someone who already has everything” arises, and we know we can’t just give money, or socks and jocks, or a subscription to “YourFavouriteMazine” again (like we have for the last 5 years).  But how do you decide what to give?

What makes a Perfect Gift ?

To me, the “perfect gift” is something that the person really needs (even if they don’t realise it yet), but probably wouldn’t go out and buy for themselves – something that they can make use of, that will make a difference to their lives, and while it need not be “expensive” as such, it should represent excellent value.

When thinking about a perfect gift, the chines proverb – “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”  also springs to mind.  So a perfect gift should should not just last for a day or a week, or until it is “used up” – it should “keep on giving”.

Perfect Gift for a Business Owner

The perfect gift for a business owner would be something that helps them with the business – makes their lives easier, or gives their business a boost.  In this age of online business one of the most effective ways to promote and develop business is through a website – so an effective and easy to update and manage website is critical.  Unfortunately many business owners find their existing website (or their website developer) difficult (and often expensive) to update and maintain. The gift of a Website training workshop will give a business owner the knowledge and experience they need to develop and improve their own business website.

Perfect Gift for a Student

High School and Tertiary Students are notoriously difficult when it comes to choosing gifts.  These days teenagers seem to pretty much already have whatever they need – giving money feels a bit impersonal, and to me, giving computer games just feels “wrong” for a whole lot of reasons.  Earlier this year, I put my own 15 year old son through a Website training course – not only did he soak up the training like a sponge (he now sometimes assists in workshops), but he also managed to create a website about Australian Computer Stores and Services, which – through advertising and membership fees is actually earning him money – 24×7 – and whilst it is not (currently) earning him a fortune, to a teenager, the concept of earning money in their sleep is “awesome”.

Perfect Gift for a Mother

Stay at home mums, are finding the internet a crucial part of their day to day activities.  Whether it is to keep in touch with friends or family, health tips, recipes, news, financial information, shopping, or the thousands of other things they can do online, the internet fits in neatly with their busy schedules.  The web allows busy mums to find what they need, when they need it, and gives them the flexibility to use the internet at a time that suits them best.  Increasingly busy mums are also creating their own websites – to satisfy a hobby, to support a cause, to air their views, and even to earn money online.  For a mother, learning how to create and manage their own website can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Perfect Gift for an Entrepreneur

In many ways, the internet is making life a lot easier for entrepreneurs and start-up businesses.  These days, starting up a website or you own online business can be done quicker, easier and more cheaply than ever before.  But… it is also much easier for your competitors, so it is critical for entrepreneurs and start-ups that they learn how to create a website quickly, efficiently and cheaply.  Website Training can provide entrepreneurs with the exact the skills they need, rather than having to learn by trial and error, and hands on training will ensure that they get the experience they need to be able to update, maintain and manage their website themselves.

Give a Website for Christmas

So, what is the Perfect Gift this Christmas?  By now, you are probably picking up a common thread here, and I must admit to a bias, but I do believe that teaching someone how to create, manage and take control of their own website really is the perfect XMas gift. I wouldn’t necessarily suggest that learning how to create a website is the ideal gift idea for everyone (my girlfriend probably wouldn’t appreciate it very much), but for many people, the opportunity to learn how to effectively create and manage their own website – with the potential to earn money, increase the profitability of their business, or pave the way to a whole host of other online possibilities and opportunities, could very well be the best Christmas present they EVER received.

If you have decided that giving a website (or training on how to create one) might be a pretty good idea, you can purchase an In a Day Gift Certificate for whatever value you wish. or Contact us for more information