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With the aging Australian population, and an increasing dependence on Superannuation for Baby Boomers coming into retirement, better education and training on Superannuation is sorely needed. According to a recent report entitled ” More super education needed” in InvestorDaily :

Many superannuation fund members feel their super knowledge is average, a new survey has found.

Research by CoreData has highlighted that Superannuation funds and financial advisers could (and probably should) be playing a greater role in educating members, especially those members who are already retired or nearing retirement.

Around half of the 800 respondents to the survey described their superannuation knowledge and experience as “average”, with only a quarter claiming  their knowledge was “strong”.  Considering just how important superannuation is to fund the lifestyle of retirees – these results are pretty scary.  The better educated and informed people are about superannuation, the better they will be at making important decisions about funding their retirement.

Our Self Managed Super Funds in a Day Workshop, is designed specifically at educating people about Self Managed Super Funds – guides them through the process of establishing their own SMSF, and gives them the knowledge and experience to enable them to make informed choices about the ongoing management of their own fund.