WordPress Training & Consulting ~ Brisbane ~ 0403 023 223

If you are a Brisbane based business struggling to find your own website on Google – you are not alone. You may be ranking OK for your own business name, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for the average small business website to achieve good rankings for more general search terms.

The costs associated with paying an SEO agency to improve your Google rankings can be prohibitive for most small businesses…. so many business owners are trying to learn at least the fundamentals of SEO… so that they can do some or all of the optimisation themselves.

Secret Tricks and Strategies

Fortunately the days of “Secret” Techniques are largely over. Many of the more technical strategies that SEO’s have used in the past to “trick” Google into improving the rankings of websites are no longer required – or even effective.

Over recent years Google has evolved the way they find, index and rank websites so that these days many of the old “tricks” are no longer effective and can in many cases actually have a detrimental effect on your site rankings.

It’s all about Content

These days, SEO is primarily about Keywords and Content, NOT about Technical Tricks, so the average business owner is very capable (and in fact in the ideal position) to do their own optimisation.

SEO Training

In a Day offer a variety of SEO Training options – based around your level of experience and we are able to customise the training for your specific needs and business niche.

Our training typically includes :

  • SEO Site Audit (to check what is working and what isn’t with your current website)
  • Keyword Analysis (to determine the keywords you should be targeting)
  • Keyword Ranking Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Analytics and Search Console Activation
  • Content Creation Strategies’
  • Blogging Strategies
  • … and more…

If you’d like to find out more how we can help you with SEO Training
or learning how to more effectively use SEO to raise your online profile
please give Andy a call on 0403 023 223 or Contact Us