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Recently we’ve been receiving an increasing number of enquiries from various Qld Government departments about our Web Analytics Training Workshop.

It’s encouraging to see that government  departments are recognising the value of their analytics data, and taking positive steps to track, analyse, report on and understand their website usage statistics.

Analytics to Redesign a Website

Many of the enquiries seem to be driven by Qld Govt departments who are looking at redeveloping or improving their websites. They are using their analytics data to understand visitor behaviour. How their site visitors find, use, and interact with their current website is very important in helping to decide what should be changed (and perhaps more importantly what shouldn’t) on the new site.

Analytics to monitor Marketing Campaigns

Understanding their analytics data is also very important to enable government departments (particularly the marketing sections) to determine the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and promotions. With Google Analytics it is very easy to spot the impact on specific campaigns, in terms of increased traffic, lower bounce rates, or increases in the time visitors stay on the site.

Web Analytics In a Day Workshop

Our standard Web Analytics Workshop is a full 1 day (8 hr) workshop (with a focus on hands on training) which guides students through the process of analysing and understanding usage stats for their own websites. This workshop is very Hands On and students will be tweaking, adjusting, analysing, generating reports, interpreting and probably making decisions based on their actual LIVE data.

For government departments (and corporates for that matter) we are usually able to offer in-house training for small groups and can customise it to meet their specific needs (so the training can be customised to focus on the features and functionality of Google Analytics that they are particularly interested in).

For more information about customised government Google Analytics training, please see Web Analytics In a Day – or feel free to Contact Us to discuss options and costs.